Sunday, October 5, 2008

Montage of the boys....

these pictures are from the 2007 and 2008 year. Enjoy!!


The MessyBlessyMomma said...

Oh Laura, I love them! said...

How awesome!!!!! I think my favorite is the bath in the sink picture.

Charisse said...

Wow, very fun to see how your babies have grown and become such adorable little guys!!!

Ana-Lou said...

That is very weird. um . . . I am totally computer illiterate so I am clueless. I guess when I read your data I don't look at the side bar of my own post. Goofy. I guess I would contact the crew from blogger and let them know of the glitch! Hey lady i really miss you! How is the company going?

J said...

Great pics Laur! Good Job!