Saturday, August 23, 2008

Can you answer these questions?

My girlfriends and I have started our own private has been so much fun every day we try to post something that is going on with our lives.....we also attended Women of Faith together in early August. We are working on helping each other be accountable too. So here are the first set of questions we are all working is really good! Thought I would just share and see what you think......

Women of Faith Questions

Patsy Clairmont
1.If you could do anything, knowing with certainty that you could not fail (and would not die!) in the attempt, what would it be?

Do you know what holds you back from making the attempt?

What steps might you take to overcome those things that are standing in your way?

As we grow up, many of us seem to lose our ability to dream with utter abandon. We begin to question whether our dreams are valid. We begin to feel hesitant about doing things that seem like flying.
You may be thinking, Im not sure my dream is Gods will. But are you sure that it isnt? Does Gods Word support it? Has God called or equipped you for it? Do you sense Him opening the door? Whats holding you back?

2. What did Jesus tell His disciples in John 16:23-24 about the things we ask of God the Father in Jesus name?

3. What does Ephesians 3:20 tell us about the degree to which God is able and desires to help us succeed in realizing our dreams?

The Bible teaches that many things we do not have in this life, we do not have because we simply dont ask God for them. James 4:2 says clearly, You do not have because you do not ask. God desires that we ask Him for help in all thingsasking Him to give us His desires and dreams, and then give us the courage to pursue them.

4. The Bible presents a clear balance between what we are to ask and how we are to ask it. What do the verses below reveal about the dreams God desires to fill in our lives?Matthew 21:22John 15:7-8James 4:3

But, you may be thinking, I simply dont know what to dream. I dont seem to have any real goals, any unfulfilled desires. Ask God to give you a dream! There are things He is dreaming for you. Start dreaming His dreams for your life.

5. What do the verses below challenge you to do?1 Corinthians 2:9-10Proverbs 3:5-6
Jeremiah 42:2-3

Digging DeeperHow important is it to write down what you dream of doing or being? What does Habakkuk 2:2 offer as encouragement? Write down a dream that you feel God may be calling you to pursue. If you dont fee that God has given you a specific dream yet, spend some time in prayer, asking Him to reveal it to you.

Ponder and PrayIs it possible that you are not living your dream life because you have been too afraid or overwhelmed to ask God to help you discover His dream for your life? How might the Lord be inviting you to pray about this today?

1 comment: said...

I love birthday parties! The kids look like they had a great time:)